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Blasted 2022 New Movie Review & Summary

Norwegian cinema has managed to distinguish itself from the region’s film industry. Norwegians, more than any other Scandinavian industry, are willing to take their stories far beyond the confines of a standard drama production. From films like Ragnarök, The Wave, and, of course, the great Troll Hunter, their industry has demonstrated a willingness to take genre filmmaking and put in the effort and resources required to make great films. Blasted 2022 Movie Review.

Many other European film industries, such as those in Germany, France, and even Italy, have been suffocated by their own legacy. Countries that were once known for their refined and elegant approach to filmmaking. Those heirlooms are long gone. Of course, the countries are still excellent examples of healthy local film industries, but they have been unable to move beyond the themes and styles that defined their legacies in the past. Norway, on the other hand, is just getting started on its path to glory.

Martin Sofiedal directed the Norwegian film Blasted, which stars Axel Boyum, Fredrik Skogsrud, Ingrid Bolso Bersal, Andre Sorum, Mathias Luppichini, and Eirik Hallert. The film follows Sebastian, a young executive at an investment firm who is getting married and trying to advance in his career. Sebastian is stressed out, so his fiancée invites an old childhood friend to his bachelor party. As they fight an alien invasion, the two friends will rekindle their friendship.

Blasted is genre cinema at its finest. Yes, the film lacks the production values of the biggest Hollywood films, but what it lacks in resources it makes up for with a lot of heart and the fact that it is just plain fun. The film does not take itself seriously enough for us to follow suit. Because of this, everything that happens in the film feels in line with what a film of this calibre would do, so even the most egregious flaws can be overlooked.

The film employs a blend of comedy and heartfelt storytelling to place the characters in situations where they must reveal themselves. This also subverts expectations at every moment. Even when the movie clearly sets the path of a couple of characters, it manages to take them in a more interesting direction that goes against what is often done in this type of movie. Especially the type of movies that have recently been added to Netflix.

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